With Preposition
Fabulam de deis narrat. He is telling a story about the gods.
Ambulo cum amicis. I am walking with friends.
In urbe manet. He is staying in the city.
Ab insula navigamus. We are sailing from the island.
Place from which (without preposition)
Roma venit. He comes from Rome.
Time when
Autumno folia de arboribuss cadunt. In autumn leaves fall from the tress..
Time within which
Tribus diebus discedeamus. We shall leave within three days.
Means or instrument
Marcus pugno Titum pulsat. Marcus hit Titus with his fist.
Donum magno gaudio accepit. He receives the gift with great joy.
Cives timore liberat. He frees the citizens from fear.
Personal agent
Servus verberatur a domino. The slave is beaten by his master.
Haec via longior illa est. This road is longer than that one.
Degree of Difference
Paulo post discessit. He left a little after. (“afterwards by a little bit”)
Specifiction or Respect
Rex nomine erat. He was king in name (only).
Hoc facio amore vestri. I do this out of (because of) love of you.
Ablative Absolute
Urbe capta Aeneas fugit. The city having been captured, Aeneas flees.
Description (Quality)
Est puella eximia forma. She is a girl of exceptional beauty.
Source (Origin)
Dea natus est. He is goddess-born.
Nobili genere ortus est. He is high-born.
Annulum decem sesteriis vendit. He sells the ring for 10 sesterces.
Hac via ibimus. We shall go by this route.
With Preposition
Fabulam de deis narrat. He is telling a story about the gods.
Ambulo cum amicis. I am walking with friends.
In urbe manet. He is staying in the city.
Ab insula navigamus. We are sailing from the island.
Place from which (without preposition)
Roma venit. He comes from Rome.
Time when
Autumno folia de arboribuss cadunt. In autumn leaves fall from the tress..
Time within which
Tribus diebus discedeamus. We shall leave within three days.
Means or instrument
Marcus pugno Titum pulsat. Marcus hit Titus with his fist.
Donum magno gaudio accepit. He receives the gift with great joy.
Cives timore liberat. He frees the citizens from fear.
Personal agent
Servus verberatur a domino. The slave is beaten by his master.
Haec via longior illa est. This road is longer than that one.
Degree of Difference
Paulo post discessit. He left a little after. (“afterwards by a little bit”)
Specifiction or Respect
Rex nomine erat. He was king in name (only).
Hoc facio amore vestri. I do this out of (because of) love of you.
Ablative Absolute
Urbe capta Aeneas fugit. The city having been captured, Aeneas flees.
Description (Quality)
Est puella eximia forma. She is a girl of exceptional beauty.
Source (Origin)
Dea natus est. He is goddess-born.
Nobili genere ortus est. He is high-born.
Annulum decem sesteriis vendit. He sells the ring for 10 sesterces.
Hac via ibimus. We shall go by this route.
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